Hotel Exe Campus at the campus of the Autonomous University of Barcelona (https://www.eurostarshotels.co.uk/exe-campus.html)
Recommended accommodations:
At the venue of the conference:
- Hotel Exe Campus: https://www.eurostarshotels.co.uk/exe-campus.html
At Sabadell (a very close city to the venue of the conference):
Sabadell is a city very close to UAB and well connected by train (just 10 minutes)
- Hotel Catalonia Sabadell: https://www.cataloniahotels.com/en/hotel/catalonia-sabadell
- Hotel Catalonia Gran Hotel Verdi: https://www.cataloniahotels.com/es/hotel/catalonia-gran-hotel-verdi?mb=1
- Hotel Urpi: https://hotelurpisabadell.com-hotel.com/en/
- Hotel Urban: https://urbansabadell.com/en/
- Sercotel Arrahona Sabadell: https://www.sercotelhoteles.com/en/hotel-arrahona-sabadell
At Barcelona (calculate 1 hour approximately for your travel to the conference venue):
- H10 Universitat: https://www.h10hotels.com/en/barcelona-hotels/h10-universitat?utm_source=google_my_business&utm_medium=boton_sitio_web&utm_campaign=hu
- Catalonia plaza catalunya: https://www.cataloniahotels.com/en/hotel/catalonia-plaza-catalunya
How to arrive:
If coming from Sabadell:
The best option is to come on public transport. The train S2 will take you to the conference venue in around 10 minutes. The train stop to arrive to the hotel is “Bellaterra”.
Further info can be found here: https://www.uab.cat/web/means-of-transport/train/advantages-of-going-by-train-1345796335129.html
If coming from Barcelona:
If coming from Barcelona, the best option is also to come on public transport. There is a train (i.e., S2) that goes from there to the Autonomous University of Barcelona. The train stop to arrive to the hotel is “Bellaterra”. You should calculate 1 hour approximately for your travel.
Further info can be found here: https://www.uab.cat/web/means-of-transport/train/advantages-of-going-by-train-1345796335129.html